Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How to copy a xbox 360 profile from one hard drive to another hard drive?

i had a profile on my uncle's xbox 360,but i have my own xbox 360 now so i want to copy my profile from his xbox 360 to mine.Is there anyway to do this?How to copy a xbox 360 profile from one hard drive to another hard drive?
1.Insert your USB drive into a USB port located on the front of your Xbox 360.

2. Locate and select the "Memory" sub-menu from the "My Xbox" main menu on the Xbox "Dashboard."

3.Choose the storage device that holds the desired files on the storage device management screen.

4.locate and select the files you wish to copy by highlighting them and pushing "A" on your Xbox 360 controller.

5.Choose the "Copy" option on the resulting screen and select the USB device as the destination drive. Once all desired files are on the USB hard drive, remove the device.

6.Insert the USB drive into the USB port located on the front of the other Xbox 360.

7.Access the "Memory" sub-menu from the "My Xbox" main menu in the Xbox "Dashboard."

8.Select the USB drive in the storage management screen.

9.Select the desired files on the USB drive, choose the "Move" option, then select the Xbox 360's HDD as the destination device. The files will be copied to the Xbox 360.How to copy a xbox 360 profile from one hard drive to another hard drive?
if you have the old xbox and your transfering to the new xbox, you need to get a flashdrive from walmart, and plug your flashdrive into the old xbox and then save data and profile and then transfer to your new xbox.

if you have xbox live and all you want is your gamer tag, all you have to is click on your main dash and their should be a recover gamer tag when you are signed out of all your profiles


hope this helps :)!!How to copy a xbox 360 profile from one hard drive to another hard drive?
you dont have to, just remember your name and password and you will find it all online. assuming you still have internet.
Use a Usb drive and go to system setting memory and transfer or use a transfer cable.
  • english to hebrew translation
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